Friday, June 19, 2009

The Votes were counted- Emmett's turn.

So. As anyone who's with us on Facebook knows, I left tonight's blog post up to the fans. And by a ratio of 3:1, Emmett was the winner of who my blog was to be written about. Oh good. -winks- I do remember mentioning in my mass message earlier that I'd say the name of his boyfriend? Was that on the group ( ) or on the Twitter ( )? It's hard to recall at this time when I'm so focused on my goal. I think that's where this post will lead.

It's Ryan. Emmett's boyfriend's name is Ryan.

Now he might be scoffing insofar with this blog, but I have video evidence to prove that I am no liar.

And apparently they like to dress up together? I'll never understand him. Not that I would want to if that's what he chooses normally for recreational purposes.

-sold this hilarity to the tabloid of People-,,20283823_20285420,00.html

Things we're all wondering about after having seen this:

  1. Who would ever let Emmett hold a gun, real or no?
  2. Are they still alive after this encounter?
  3. Isn't it handy that the excuse of a 'photoshoot' let him and his Boyfriend dress up? Dare I say... they might have helped each other make sure each zipper was zipped and each button was buttoned.
  4. Emmett feels like a child next to a man who feels like a child molester. Hint.
  5. Ryan was rubbing his knee.

-has to rewatch the video for more details to note-

  1. Emmett had to use the fake name of Kellan Lutz. How odd!
  2. Bromance... You all know what I mean. It was admitted.
  3. 1:01- Emmett does something suggestive with his gun on Ryan.
  4. "Fun little poker game at his house." -Direct quote from my brother.
  5. They are 'real friends'... what is that suppose to mean?
  6. Ryan and Emmett have obviously danced together.


twilightcyn said...
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twilightcyn said...

"RYAN EGGOLD & KELLAN LUTZ Just how close are 90210's Eggold and Twilight's Lutz? The two 24-year-old stars joke about everything – including meeting on the online dating site, "He had a great profile," says Lutz, while Eggold jokes, "We had similar interests. Tennis. Badminton. We set up a man date." The truth about their bromance? "We met through friends and then worked together on 90210," Eggold finally admits.

See more sexy, single "bromantic" Bachelors in PEOPLE, on sale Friday!"

-snickers- Work it, work it Emmett.

Unknown said...

*dies in laughter* Oh this was amazing.

Rosie said...

That was just soooo funny, I almost sprayed my coffee on the keyboard :):) looking forward to some more info
